Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat)
The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management is committed to improving quality of life, access and mobility in a clean, safe and sustainable environment. The Ministry strives to create an efficient network of roads, railways, waterways and airways, effective water management to protect against flooding, and improved air and water quality.
The Ministry supports international research to get better solutions for the approach of land subsidence in delta’s like the Netherlands.
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate is a Dutch Ministry. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate stands for a sustainable and enterprising Netherlands. Together with its partners, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy is working on the prosperity of all Dutch people, now and in the future.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate connects and innovates. We work towards a climate-neutral society and clean, reliable and affordable energy. We stand for an open economy with a strong international competitive position. We stimulate innovation and exploit the economic and social opportunities of digitalization. We give entrepreneurs room to innovate and safeguard the balance between the interests of companies and consumers.
These challenges require sustainability and economic development to go hand in hand. In the Netherlands, but also across borders. We seek active cooperation with European and international partners.
Platform Slappe Bodem
The Slappe Bodem Platform is a network collaboration of 23 municipalities, 6 water boards and 2 provinces. The aim of this collaboration is to bring land subsidence in built-up and rural areas under sustainable and affordable control and where possible to stop it. To prevent damage, an integrated, national approach is needed in which all levels of government, but also residents and businesses, have a role to play. Soil subsidence is a national problem that must be tackled nationally. No single layer of government holds the key to the solution. It takes cooperation to get subsidence under control.
NAM (Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij)
The NAM (Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij) is an innovative company that supplies energy to society and industry. We do this by detecting, developing and producing oil and gas from the Dutch subsurface. It is our aim to do this safely and efficiently, without harming people and the environment. During the energy transition, we want to be part of the solution. If we want to maintain a reliable energy system, we believe that innovation and natural gas are necessary for the climate/society (CO2) challenges.
Knowledge Centre Subsidence & Foundations
(Kenniscentrum Bodemdaling en Funderingen) Only in Dutch
Kenniscentrum Bodemdaling en Funderingen richt zich op: Kennisoverdracht, bewustwording en netwerkontwikkeling voor doelmatige omgang met bodemdaling, broeikasgasemissies en funderingsproblemen. Bijdragen aan klimaatbestendige, biodiverse, economisch draagkrachtige en (water)robuuste inrichting van Nederland door bestaande en nieuwe kennis op te halen, deze te valideren en breed te ontsluiten naar alle doelgroepen en partijen te verbinden.
STOWA (Acronym for Foundation for Applied Water Research) is the centre of expertise of the regional water managers (the Dutch Water Authorities). Its mission is to develop, collect, distribute and implement applied knowledge, essential for an effective and efficient water management. Topics of expertise range from applied technical, scientific to administrative-legal, health and social science.
On behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, STOWA directs The Dutch National Research Programme on Greenhouse Gases in Peatlands (NOBV) that was launched in 2019. Its objective is to research the effectiveness of the measures taken in peatland areas to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and to be able to better predict emission levels. The effect on subsidence will also be charted. The programme uses research locations across the Netherlands. Various universities and knowledge centres are taking part in the research programme.
City of Rotterdam
Rotterdam is built on a soft soil of peat and clay. While the sea level is rising due to climate change, the soil in Rotterdam is subsiding. In some locations more than a centimetre a year. Soil subsidence has been happening for more than 1,000 years.
Provincie Zuid-Holland
There are twelve provinces of the Netherlands, representing the administrative layer between the national government and the local municipalities, with responsibility for matters of subnational or regional importance. The most populous province is South Holland.
Sensar uses satellite data to map movements of soil, buildings and infrastructure with millimeter precision. It is our goal to make satellite data more accessible to civil engineers around the world. We do this with our unique co-creation model, resulting in products that are tailored to our client's need. Products that we stand for and that work 100% perfectly. So that we don't miss anything. After all, the consequences of subsidence can be very costly and risky. That's Sensar. We simply see it as our responsibility.
Van Dijk Maasland B.V.
Van Dijk Maasland is a specialist in the realization of infrastructure on soft soil, complex innercity projects and tackling foundation problems in quay wall and homes. Expertise and craftsmanship comes with the experience we have built up in the 70 years of our existence. We have a wide range of technics and products for lightweights fills on soft soils like: EPS-constructions (since 1978), production of foam-concrete (since 1980), Ecobase foam-glass aggregate, drainage solutions and piling technics.
Rotim ICP, short for Innovative Circular Products, is a member of the Rotim Group. The Rotim Group originally specialised in primary raw materials for infrastructure. Due to climate change and the Paris Agreement 2015 we shifted our focus to climate adaptive concepts and solutions as well as circular products.
One of the most promising products is EcoBASE foam glass 800+, an ultra-lightweight gravel with a density ≤ 200 kg/m3. This product meets the Dutch environmental requirements and is freely applicable.
Its unique cell structure and outstanding civil technical properties bring a lot of opportunities in areas where subsidence is a serious challenge.
Campus Gouda
Campus Gouda is dé plek voor een Leven Lang Ontwikkelen (LLO) in regio Midden-Holland. Bodemdaling vormt een grote uitdaging voor de regio Midden-Holland. Een dalende bodem heeft immers gevolgen voor onze huizen, gebouwen, infrastructuur, landbouw en de natuur. Om onze mooie regio Midden-Holland toekomstbestendig en leefbaar te houden, moet je als organisatie en professional blijvend leren, blijven ontwikkelen en jezelf blijven uitdagen. Wij bieden werkenden de mogelijkheid zich verder te ontwikkelen. In verschillende labs op hbo- en mbo-niveau gaan deelnemers aan de slag met actuele onderwerpen die spelen bij bedrijven en overheid. Zo willen we samen kennis rond bodemdaling in onze regio vergroten, innovatie aanjagen en maatschappelijke uitdagingen oplossen.
Gemeente Gouda – Municipality of Gouda
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TISOLS organising committeetisols2023@tudelft.nlhttps://www.tisols.org
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